Hi there, I’m Anmol! 👋

I’m a software engineer who is passionate about building things that optimize people’s lives, especially in healthcare and the life sciences. I’m obsessed with solving problems through clean, high-performing code.

I am currently working on projects in the connected health and AR space while attending Georgia Tech for my Master’s in Computer Science. Having been mostly a self-taught iOS developer since I was 19, I’ve recently decided to dabble in web development. I’m also really interested in product management and entrepreneurship within digital health.

When I am not pretending to be productive, you can find me learning new songs on guitar or dominating my friends in Catan.

Being really into self-improvement and productivity, I’m planning to start writing more articles on here or Medium to reflect on my journey and all the lessons I’ve learned along the way 🌱

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!